Gaps For India

Nourish Your Way
To Top Health

Discover the Power of GAPS

Gut And Psychology/Physiology
Syndrome Nutrition Protocol.

Discover the Power of GAPS

Gut And Psychology/Physiology
Syndrome Nutrition Protocol.

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-13 at 18.05.13

Jal Bhagwagar,

Certified GAPS International Coach

Please Welcome,

I have been a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Advisor, NHI, California, USA for the last 17 years.

My team and myself, have worked with hundreds of customers on their Nutrition needs and helped them bridge the Nutrition Gap between what they consume and what their body needs or lacks.

I bring to the table 17 years of being a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Advisor and being trained by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride and her team as a Certified GAPS Coach.

Come, hold my hand, we’ll work together to Health Victory. 

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Real people, remarkable results with GAPS Nutrition Protocol

Transform Your Life With GAPS

Book Your Discovery Call

Why should you book a Discovery Call ?

Book a Discovery Call and put your best foot forward.

Why? You are new to the GAPS Nutrition Protocol. Wouldn’t you like to know more before you make a firm committment?

You may have been directed by a friend to look us up, or you may have been directed by someone who experienced the benefits of the GAPS Nutrition Protocol.
Get the right information before committing: 
What exactly does the GAPS Protocol mean? 
Will it/can it make a difference in your own health? 
What would it take from you in terms of Practicality, Life Situation, Abilities and Resources? Food Restrictions and Recommendations? Dos and Don’ts? What the principles are? What it will cost you monetarily?
All of this is handled on the Discovery Call, so that you can make an informed decision.

Cost: Rs: 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand Only)  

Duration: 45-60 Minutes

Go ahead: +91 89760 76650, 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm, IST, via phone or Zoom (Network dependant).

Note: The cost of the Discovery Call is deductible from the Total Annual Fee, if you choose to go through with the GAPS Protocol.

Disclaimer: The GAPS Nutrition Protocol is a Nutrition, Gut Balancing and Detoxification Protocol. As a Certified GAPS Coach, I Do Not diagnose, order or read tests, speak any medical terms or language or advise on medications and any on-going medical treatment that
a client is going through. These are the Sole Prerogative of the medical profession and your own Doctor/Physician. 
As such, we do not use words/claim: healing or curing. Please note. 

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