Gaps For India

A lacto-ferment that is a liver and blood cleanser and a pro-biotic tonic

For your first batch: Makes 900 millilitres. You can increase quantity proportionately.
1 medium beet-root
1/4 -1/2 cup home-made whey
4-5 cloves of peeled garlic
1-2 tablepoons sea salt or pink Himalayan salt
900 millilitres water
Large mouth glass bottle 1 litre capacity
Wooden/bamboo chopping board
Stainless steel knife
Peel and slice the beetroot. Cut into slices 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick. Do Not cut it fine. 
Put the slices into the glass jar
Crush and add the garlic cloves
Add the salt
Add the whey
Add the water upto the shoulder of the bottle, leaving adequate space
Close the cap tightly and invert the bottle up and down a few times, gently
Put it away at room temperature, preferably 28 degrees to 35 degrees celsius, in a dark place to ferment for a week.
Your beet kvaas will be ready after a week. Refrigerate after the first opening. Keep lid shut at all times after use.
Note: start consuming in small quantities only: 1 teaspoon at a time and diluted with water if needed. Do not start having in larger quantities to avoid unwanted reactions: diarrhoea, cramping or at times vomiting. Build up gradually and have regularly.
After every helping, replenish with fresh water, until the liquid starts looking light/pale. A new batch should be started, then.
Kvaas can be made from fruits and vegetables, too. Use the same process. Use beets, apple, ginger combined. Always use gently and diluted.
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