Gaps For India

Discovery Call

Please welcome.

The discovery call is a very useful tool to get familiar with the GAPS Protocol, before deciding and paying the full annual fee. 

It is your opportunity to ask your “would be” Coach, any questions that are peculiar to you and decide whether The GAPS Protocol is for you or not.

The GAPS Protocol, while highly effective in restoring your body to Health & Balance, does expect of you: compliance and application for the best outcomes.

As with all great accomplishments in life, sowing before reaping, tending and protecting are crucial, before seeing the harvest. In this situation, the harvest of great health.

Apply this metaphor to anything else and it will hold true: work-life, social life, a beautiful body, great skin etc.
All great visible results that we see around us, have a visible or invisible price to be paid in terms of time, energy, creativity, labour, sweat, patience and perhaps tears. 

Of all those achievements, the body’s health and top condition is the most valuable, as entire lives and legacies are built on it. Is it not?

Therefore, it is very important that you put your best foot forward with a Discovery Call.

Cost: Rs. 2000/- (Rupees: Two Thousand Only) Deductible from the Total Annual Fee, if you decide to go through with the GAPS Protocol. If you opt not to proceed with the GAPS Protocol, this fee is forfeited.

Duration of the Discovery Call: 45-60 minutes.

Mode: Phone Call or Zoom video  (network dependant)

With prior appointment only.

Book an appointment here : +91 8976076650, Monday – Friday, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm (IST)

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