Gaps For India

Stainless steel stock pot with fitting lid 6-8 litre capacity. Or a dutch oven (cast iron vessel with lid)
Stainless Steel Knife
Wooden/bamboo chopping board
Stainless steel stirring spoon


Meat: Chicken, Mutton, Lamb, Pork, Water Buffalo. Your choice. (Ensure joint bones for best results. Whole chickens will naturally include joint bones. If using buffalo meat, ask for tail. If using pork, ferment in yogurt or kefir for 6-8 hours at room temperature, before adding to stock pot and boiling)
Water: 4 parts water to 1 kg of meat.
Salt: Himalayan or unprocessed natural sea salt. 1 tablespoon in 4 litres of water. Adjust to taste.
Carrots: 3-4 medium (Optional)
Onions: 2-3 medium (Optional)
Black Pepper: One teaspoon whole pepper seeds. (Do not grind)
Garlic: Use a few cloves only after Introduction Stages are over to minimise die-off reactions.
Add the meat into the stock pot.
Chop carrots into bite size and add to the pot.
Chop the onions into four parts and add to the pot.
Add the pepper corns.
Add the salt.
Add the water.
Set on stove at high until boiling.
Bring to simmer and skim the scum off the surface (the foamy first result). Dispose the scum. Continue to boil at high heat for thirty minutes.
Bring down heat and keep on simmer with the lid on: (Total) 120 minutes for chicken, 180-210 minutes for mutton/lamb/pork, 300 minutes for buffalo (If using fish and fish head, 90 minutes is enough)
You can de-bone the meat, keep it separate in a container. Or, keep it in the stock and chew on the joint ends for excellent bio-available minerals and cartilage/soft tissue that is gut healing and soothing. You can collect and deep-freeze the bones for future bone-broth, once you are on the Full GAPS Diet and your Coach directs you.
You can remove the carrots and dispose (recommended if you are experiencing diarrhoea or are very gut sensitive). The onions will have mostly dissolved. 
Do not chew on the pepper corns. They can irritate your gut. 
Best practice: add animal fats to your stock: ghee, raw butter, cream, sour cream, creme fraiché etc. Fat is your #1 nutrient. 
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