Gaps For India


A healthy dessert for the GAPS Introduction Stage 4-5 and beyond.
Ingredients: (For one individual)
2 country eggs
Raw, unprocessed preferably wild honey (honey from cultivations/farms/mono cropped fields can be mixed with pesticides. Wild honey is mostly from forested areas and a mix of different varieties).
Hand held blender
Bowl to contain the egg yolks and honey
Crack open the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. Set the whites aside for other uses: omelettes, scrambled eggs etc.
Put the egg yolks into the bowl
Add 1/2 to 1 spoon honey
Blend with the hand blender until the mix becomes whitish. Eat. Enjoy.
Depending on the stage and the condition of your gut recovery, you can check with your Coach and add home processed nuts and seeds to the custard. 
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