Gaps For India


This is a page to Educate & Inform you, Only.
Disclaimer: The GAPS Nutrition Protocol is a Nutrition, Gut Balancing and Detoxification Protocol. As a Certified GAPS Coach, I Do Not diagnose, order or read tests, speak any medical terms or language or advise on medications and any on-going medical treatment that a client is going through. These are the Sole Prerogatives of the medical profession and your own Doctor/Physician. As such, we do not use words/claim: healing or curing. Please note. 
Why after reading the Disclaimer, are there truly amazing health turn-arounds as described in the GAPS Stories book, by many people, adults and children alike? 
In fact, some of the stories that parents and people report are so shocking, in terms of their suffering, both the children and the parents, that the turn-arounds and utterly fantastic results seem: Miraculous! 
Please note: these results and the stories are the results of Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s deep understanding of the Source of people’s health problems, and her vast experience, “Healing” these people through her Tried & Tested Nutrition Protocol: The GAPS Nutrition Protocol. 
Yes! Healing. As a Doctor MMedSci (neurology), and with her deep understanding of Human Nutrition, MMedSci (nutrition), Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride has healed thousands of her patients. 
All the stories in her book, GAPS Stories, highly recommended reading, prove that, while the symptoms and syndromes are different, they share distinct commonalities.
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride frequently quotes Hippocrates. Hippocrates, “all disease begins in the gut” and “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”, among other timeless and profoundly insightful quotes. Current state-of-the-art medical and nutrition science are proving Hippocrates right. He was right thousands of years ago and will be for thousands of years ahead.
Dr. Natasha Campbell’s clinical experience has proven Hippocrates right, and she works on the same principles: gut and food/nutrition.
The gut: any gut, whether human or animal, is inhabited with trillions of different microbes: bacteria, fungi, virus, archaea, flukes, worms etc. These are Critical for the good health and well-being of the organism that contains them. They are Not to be called parasites. They only become parasitic and opportunistic when they are imbalanced and then they cause absolute damage to the body, resulting in the GAPS: Gut And Psychology/Physiology Syndrome, with symptoms ranging from the uncomfortable to the un-bearable, leading all the way to cancers.
Yet, both symptoms, the Psychological and the Physiological, as seen above, begin in the gut.
Science and Doctors have given myriad names to the various manifestations of the imbalanced gut/micobiome, plus a leaky gut/gut perforation/intestinal barrier dysfunction leading to autoimmune conditions: a GAPS condition. 
Based on their permutations and combinations of symptoms, psychological and physiological, the list is very long: 
from ‘A to V’ as per the Global Autoimmune Institute . Just the letter ‘A’ contains 28 different autoimmune conditions listed. The total listed and catalogued autoimmune conditions listed? 126 from ‘A-V.’ The same site mentions that there are 15 common ones and lists them, along with, 10 “suspected autoimmune conditions”.
This study implies a Cause and Effect relationship between “the gut microbiota and leaky gut in relation to the autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes, and multiple sclerosis”. 
Why the sudden and massive proliferation of gut dysbiosis and autoimmune conditions as shown in the research above? There are a few well known reasons and a few confounders.
Hippocrates, “all disease begins in the gut”, is vindicated. And, so is Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s vast clinical experience: Heal and Seal the gut. It’s the gut!
With reference to our Disclaimer, we therefore, as Coaches, Do Not address the disease or the diagnosis at all. 
In fact, a completely disease free individual would be wise to follow the GAPS Nutrition Protocol as a lifestyle. It does not need an individual to be sick, in order to take on the protocol. Many people after so-called recovery, choose to live on the GAPS nutrition principles for its wholesomeness and life giving benefits. You may, too. 
Therefore, all that we do is:
Heal and Seal the gut with known and proven gut healing food,
Balance the microbiome and the micobiome with the age old practice of eating various fermented foods,
Feed the body nutritious non-inflammatory food,
Help the body Detoxify itself with known and practiced detoxification methods,
Help the body cover up nutrition deficiencies.
As you can see, it all involves food and knowledge about the right food and the harmful food and putting it into practice under a Certified GAPS Coach. 
Therefore, as is evident, all we are doing is: supporting the body to health. The body then heals itself as it knows best with millions of years of knowledge encoded into its DNA.
In summary: as noted above, the amazing stories of people recovering from their acute suffering, on reading, will describe nutrition Dos and Don’ts, nutritious eating as nature designed it, healing and sealing the gut and detoxification. In other words, what Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s patients describe in the book, GAPS Stories, are various manifestations of auto-immunity, Psychological and Physiological,  and yet, all went through the same protocol and healed: The GAPS Nutrition Protocol. Remember Hippocrates? 
We invite you to visit the research from the institutes that are hyper-linked above and Educate yourself. 
A-Z list of autoimmune diseases from the Global Autoimmune Institute


As this page educated you, through credible research, it also offers you great hope: you Can & Will get back your full health & function, even though it may take its own time. Only Feed, Heal, Seal and Detoxify your Body: your Temple. It will do the Rest: as it knows Best.

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